Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had a great discussion with a new friend of mine yesterday at the local Chinese buffet. I laid out the Roman Road and shared about Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. It shouldn't surprise me that God shows up in those situations, but it still does.  It was like He was enjoying the greasy spring rolls right there beside us. 

After I finished, my friend said, "No one's ever really laid it out like that for me." On the way back from lunch I asked him if there was anything keeping him from starting a new life with Jesus and we decided there wasn't. 

They say church plants have more conversions than established churches, at least in percentage.  While that's great now, eventually we'll be the established church.  Lord, help us to always value the lost! We will never be an inward focused church.  There are far too many people out there that have never had it laid out for them!

1 comment:

Pops said...

Proud of you, son!
To God be the Glory great things He has done! And He will continue!